If you are a business owner and want total assurance that the proper measures are in place to secure its longevity, Robert Wilcocks is more than qualified to help

Robert understands the taxing demands of running a company. As a business owner himself, he offers smart advice and expertise within Richmond, Twickenham and Greater London.

To get in touch with Robert and organise a consultation, call 0845 200 4041.


A check up on your business finances

As a well-recognised financial adviser, Robert Wilcocks is efficient in identifying any areas of your business which may require support. He’ll conduct a full in-depth evaluation and raise issues that can be addressed such as insufficient shareholder protection and a lack of insurance cover.

Robert gets straight to the point, he values your time and being totally transparent, allowing you to concentrate on developing your business whilst he works alongside you to handle the more intricate details of financial planning.

With his expert advice and personal approach, you will feel confident that your business is safe and secure should the worst-case scenario occur. Trust Robert to take care of protecting your most important assets.

Shareholder protection

As a highly regarded adviser in Richmond, London, Robert Wilcocks provides an unparalleled service should your business require shareholder protection insurance.

Why might you need assistance? If a shareholder is unable to fulfil their duties in running a business due to serious injury, illness or death, there needs to be a contract in place to ensure the business is adequately protected. This will allow the remaining shareholders the ability to purchase the absentee’s shares at an agreed figure with the help of an insurance payment.

Relevant life insurance

It is common for businesses to adopt relevant life insurance policies to equip their staff with death-in-service benefits as part of their benefits package. In the worst-case scenario, this ensures staff and the business are covered.

Key person insurance

Does your business rely and depend on a single person’s knowledge and skills? Could your business survive if they were not there? Robert Wilcocks recognises the importance of minimising the financial impact of losing a pivotal human asset. Key person insurance can protect many aspects of your business, such as income generated by the absent employee and the cost of replacing them with training and recruitment costs. In any situation, your business should continue to operate successfully despite losing a fundamental component.

Contact Robert Wilcocks to protect your business today

To organise an appointment or to receive guidance regarding business insurance in or around Greater London, get in touch with Robert Wilcocks now. He works to provide you with smart and modern advice, essential for any business seeking to succeed today.

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