8 Qualities of Successful Business People

August 30th 2017, Robert Wilcocks

Successful people face a number of challenges every day, but also know how to overcome them. They possess certain qualities that make them truly exceptional.

#1 They only look forward

They have a positive attitude to failure and aren’t afraid to take risks. They don’t pass judgement or dwell on past mistakes that only cloud the present with a ‘should-have-done’. Instead, they take what they’ve learned from the failure, and apply it to new challenges. Henry Ford famously said, "failure is just a resting place. It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently”.

#2 They are confident

Successful people are confident and can lead themselves as well as others. They believe in their vision and seek to bring it to life on a daily basis.

#3 They think “Anything is Possible”

They see opportunities and think “anything is possible”. Knowing that the only thing that will produce results and achievement in life is action, they find a way to take their idea to market and sell it. With their can-do spirits, they are always willing to push themselves out of their comfort zones.

#4 They have drive

"Why does nobody ever wash a rental car - they say it's not mine". Successful people go above and beyond, and do more than what’s expected of them. They are dedicated, committed and persistent.

#5 They create a positive work culture

Great business leaders know that achievements are never accomplished by stand alone men but by great business teams. They develop a positive work culture that employees buy into. When employees believe in a company and are completely committed, they align their objectives to the company’s goals. This harnesses the power of an army of employees, driving the business forward and helps gain competitive advantage. Just like Sam Walton said “individuals don’t win in business; teams do”.

#6 They have high emotional intelligence and are self aware

Daniel Goleman popularised the term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (E.Q.) which, amongst other things, describes an individual’s ability to observe and manage his or her own behaviours and emotions, and those of others. They are able to pass on their passion for whatever they want to achieve to others.

#7 They are life-long learners

Business leaders constantly ask “what can we do better” and they understand that to make progression, they must always continue to learn. They are brilliant listeners and observers and look at the successes and mistakes of others, and learn from them.

#8 They only do what they do best

A highly successful entrepreneur called Gary Vaynerchuk once said, “whether you’re 9 or 90, stop trying to fix the things you’re bad at, and focus on the things you’re good at”. Trying to shoulder everything is risky and is a surefire path to burnout.

Great business leaders and companies are a constant source of inspiration for others in business. However, often these leaders just can’t find the time to manage all of their financial affairs as they are so busy with the day to day running of their business. As a consequence, we see a lot of ‘bad plan, wrong plan, no plan’.

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If you would like to see what your financial future looks like and alleviate financial stress, preserve and grow your wealth, then get in touch today.

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